Package: scales

Thomas Lin Pedersen

scales: Scale Functions for Visualization

Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.

Authors:Hadley Wickham [aut], Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut], Dana Seidel [aut], Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]

scales.pdf |scales.html
scales/json (API)

# Install 'scales' in R:
install.packages('scales', repos = c('', ''))

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20.08 score 400 stars 7.6k packages 81k scripts 1.2M downloads 104 mentions 217 exports 9 dependencies

Last updated 21 hours agofrom:fda519e2ac. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 22 2024
R-4.5-winOKOct 22 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 22 2024
R-4.4-winOKOct 22 2024
R-4.4-macOKOct 22 2024
R-4.3-winOKOct 22 2024
R-4.3-macOKOct 22 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Modify colour transparencyalpha
Breaks for exponentially transformed databreaks_exp
Automatic breaks for numeric axesbreaks_extended extended_breaks
Breaks for log axesbreaks_log log_breaks
Pretty breaks for date/timesbreaks_pretty
Breaks for timespan databreaks_timespan
Equally spaced breaksbreaks_width
Mix colourscol_mix
Colour mappingcol_bin col_factor col_numeric col_quantile
Modify standard R colour in hcl colour space.col2hcl
Colour manipulationcolour_manip col_darker col_lighter col_saturate col_shift
Fast colour interpolationcolour_ramp
Compose two or more label formatters togethercompose_label
Continuous scalecscale
Discrete scaledscale
Expand a range with a multiplicative or additive constantexpand_range
Known palettesget_palette palette_names reset_palettes set_palette
Label bytes (1 kB, 2 MB, etc)label_bytes
Label currencies ($100, €2.50, etc)label_currency
Label date/timeslabel_date label_date_short label_time label_timespan
Labels from lookup tableslabel_dictionary
Interpolated labelslabel_glue
Label numbers in log format (10^3, 10^6, etc)format_log label_log
Label numbers in decimal format (e.g. 0.12, 1,234)label_comma label_number
Label numbers, avoiding scientific notation where possiblelabel_number_auto
Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)label_ordinal ordinal_english ordinal_french ordinal_spanish
Label with mathematical annotationslabel_math label_parse
Label percentages (2.5%, 50%, etc)label_percent
Label p-values (e.g. <0.001, 0.25, p >= 0.99)label_pvalue
Label numbers with scientific notation (e.g. 1e05, 1.5e-02)label_scientific
Label strings by wrapping across multiple lineslabel_wrap
Minor breaks for log-10 axesminor_breaks_log
Minor breaksminor_breaks_n minor_breaks_width
Mute standard colourmuted
Constructors for palettesas_continuous_pal as_discrete_pal is_colour_pal is_continuous_pal is_discrete_pal is_numeric_pal is_pal new_continuous_palette new_discrete_palette palette_na_safe palette_nlevels palette_type
Number optionsnumber_options
Out of bounds handlingcensor discard oob oob_censor oob_censor_any oob_discard oob_keep oob_squish oob_squish_any oob_squish_infinite squish squish_infinite
Area palettes (continuous)abs_area area_pal pal_area
Colour Brewer palette (discrete)brewer_pal pal_brewer
Dichromat (colour-blind) palette (discrete)dichromat_pal pal_dichromat
Diverging colour gradient (continuous).div_gradient_pal pal_div_gradient
Arbitrary colour gradient palette (continuous)gradient_n_pal pal_gradient_n
Grey scale palette (discrete)grey_pal pal_grey
Hue palette (discrete)hue_pal pal_hue
Identity paletteidentity_pal pal_identity
Line type palette (discrete)linetype_pal pal_linetype
Manual palette (discrete)manual_pal pal_manual
Rescale palette (continuous)pal_rescale rescale_pal
Sequential colour gradient palette (continuous)pal_seq_gradient seq_gradient_pal
Shape palette (discrete)pal_shape shape_pal
Viridis palettepal_viridis viridis_pal
Mutable rangesContinuousRange DiscreteRange Range
Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximumrescale rescale.AsIs rescale.Date rescale.difftime rescale.dist rescale.integer64 rescale.logical rescale.numeric rescale.POSIXt
Rescale numeric vector to have specified maximumrescale_max
Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximumrescale_mid rescale_mid.AsIs rescale_mid.Date rescale_mid.dist rescale_mid.integer64 rescale_mid.logical rescale_mid.numeric rescale_mid.POSIXt
Don't perform rescalingrescale_none
Train (update) a continuous scaletrain_continuous
Train (update) a discrete scaletrain_discrete
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine transformationasinh_trans transform_asinh
Arc-sin square root transformationasn_trans transform_asn
Arc-tangent transformationatanh_trans transform_atanh
Box-Cox & modulus transformationsboxcox_trans modulus_trans transform_boxcox transform_modulus
Compose two or more transformations togethercompose_trans transform_compose
Transformation for dates (class Date)date_trans transform_date
Exponential transformation (inverse of log transformation)exp_trans transform_exp
Identity transformation (do nothing)identity_trans transform_identity
Log transformationslog10_trans log1p_trans log2_trans log_trans pseudo_log_trans transform_log transform_log10 transform_log1p transform_log2 transform_pseudo_log
Probability transformationlogit_trans probability_trans probit_trans transform_logit transform_probability transform_probit
Reciprocal transformationreciprocal_trans transform_reciprocal
Reverse transformationreverse_trans transform_reverse
Square-root transformationsqrt_trans transform_sqrt
Transformation for date-times (class POSIXt)time_trans transform_time
Transformation for times (class hms)hms_trans timespan_trans transform_hms transform_timespan
Yeo-Johnson transformationtransform_yj yj_trans
Determine if range of vector is close to zero, with a specified tolerancezero_range