1. areal::ar_stl_asthma
    Asthma in St. Louis by Census Tract, 2017
  2. areal::ar_stl_race
    Race in St. Louis by Census Tract, 2017
  3. areal::ar_stl_wards
    Ward Boundaries in St. Louis, 2010
  4. areal::ar_stl_wardsClipped
    Clipped Ward Boundaries in St. Louis, 2010
  5. censusapi::fips
    List of state fips codes - 50 states plus DC
  6. collapse::GGDC10S
    Groningen Growth and Development Centre 10-Sector Database
  7. collapse::wlddev
    World Development Dataset
  8. CTPPr::ctpp_dataset_list
  9. CTPPr::ctpp_geography_list
  10. CTPPr::ctpp_state_list
  11. CTPPr::tables
  12. dataMaid::artData
    Semi-artificial data about masterpieces of art
  13. dataMaid::bigPresidentData
    Semi-artificial data about the US presidents (extended version)
  14. dataMaid::exampleData
    Example data with zero-inflated variables
  15. dataMaid::presidentData
    Semi-artificial data about the US presidents
    data.frame|46 x 11
  16. dataMaid::testData
    Extended example data to test the features of dataMaid
    data.frame|15 x 15
  17. dataMaid::toyData
    Small example data to show the features of dataMaid
  18. dataReporter::artData
    Semi-artificial data about masterpieces of art
  19. dataReporter::bigPresidentData
    Semi-artificial data about the US presidents (extended version)
  20. dataReporter::exampleData
    Example data with zero-inflated variables
  21. dataReporter::presidentData
    Semi-artificial data about the US presidents
    data.frame|46 x 11
  22. dataReporter::testData
    Extended example data to test the features of dataReporter
    data.frame|15 x 15
  23. dataReporter::toyData
    Small example data to show the features of dataReporter
  24. dlookr::Carseats
    Sales of Child Car Seats
  25. dlookr::flights
    Flights data
  26. dlookr::heartfailure
    Heart Failure Data
  27. dlookr::jobchange
    Job Change of Data Scientists
  28. ggstatsplot::Titanic_full
    Titanic dataset.
  29. ggstatsplot::bugs_long
    Tidy version of the "Bugs" dataset.
  30. ggstatsplot::iris_long
    Edgar Anderson's Iris Data in long format.
  31. ggstatsplot::movies_long
    Movie information and user ratings from IMDB.com (long format).
  32. ggthemes::canva_palettes
    150 Color Palettes from Canva
  33. ggthemes::ggthemes_data
    Palette and theme data
  34. glitter::all_correspondences
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  35. glitter::datetime_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  36. glitter::misc_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  37. glitter::numeric_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  38. glitter::operators
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  39. glitter::set_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  40. glitter::string_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  41. glitter::term_functions
    Correspondence between R-DSL functions and SPARQL functions/operators.
  42. glitter::usual_endpoints
    Usual endpoints: this dataset allows the user to refer to them using a simplified name rather than their full url.
  43. glitter::usual_prefixes
    Usual prefixes: this dataset allows the user to refer to usual prefixes in their queries without manually specifying the associated urls.
  44. glitter::wd_properties
    Wikidata properties
  45. gt::constants
    The fundamental physical constants
  46. gt::countrypops
    Yearly populations of countries from 1960 to 2023
  47. gt::exibble
    A toy example tibble for testing with gt: exibble
  48. gt::films
    Feature films in competition at the Cannes Film Festival
  49. gt::gibraltar
    Weather conditions in Gibraltar, May 2023
  50. gt::gtcars
    Deluxe automobiles from the 2014-2017 period
  51. gt::illness
    Lab tests for one suffering from an illness
  52. gt::metro
    The stations of the Paris Metro
  53. gt::nuclides
    Nuclide data
  54. gt::peeps
    A table of personal information for people all over the world
  55. gt::photolysis
    Data on photolysis rates for gas-phase organic compounds
  56. gt::pizzaplace
    A year of pizza sales from a pizza place
  57. gt::reactions
    Reaction rates for gas-phase atmospheric reactions of organic compounds
  58. gt::rx_addv
    An ADDV-flavored clinical trial toy dataset
  59. gt::rx_adsl
    An ADSL-flavored clinical trial toy dataset
  60. gt::sp500
    Daily S&P 500 Index data from 1950 to 2015
  61. gt::sza
    Twice hourly solar zenith angles by month & latitude
  62. gt::towny
    Populations of all municipalities in Ontario from 1996 to 2021
  63. gtfsio::gtfs_reference
    GTFS reference
  64. gtfsrouter::berlin_gtfs
  65. gtsummary::trial
    Results from a simulated study of two chemotherapy agents
  66. jmv::Big5
  67. jmv::ToothGrowth
  68. jmv::bugs
  69. jmv::iris
  70. mapview::breweries
    Selected breweries in Franconia
  71. mapview::franconia
    Administrative district borders of Franconia
  72. mapview::trails
    Selected hiking trails in Franconia
  73. mschart::browser_data
    Dummy dataset for barchart
  74. mschart::browser_ts
    Dummy dataset for barchart
  75. mschart::us_indus_prod
    Index of US Industrial Production
  76. openxlsx::openxlsxFontSizeLookupTable
    Font Size Lookup tables
  77. openxlsx::openxlsxFontSizeLookupTableBold
    Font Size Lookup tables
  78. paletteer::paletteer_packages
    Names and version information for all packages included
  79. paletteer::palettes_c_names
    Names of all continuous palettes
  80. paletteer::palettes_d
    Complete list of fixed discrete palettes
  81. paletteer::palettes_d_names
    Names of all fixed discrete palettes
  82. paletteer::palettes_dynamic
    Complete list of dynamic palettes
  83. paletteer::palettes_dynamic_names
    Names of all fixed discrete palettes
  84. parameters::fish
    Sample data set
  85. parameters::qol_cancer
    Sample data set
  86. plotly::hobbs
    Hobbs data
  87. plotly::mic
    Mic data
  88. plotly::res_mn
    Minnesotan Indian Reservation Lands
  89. plotly::wind
    Wind data
  90. rayshader::monterey_counties_sf
    California County Data Around Monterey Bay
  91. rayshader::monterey_roads_sf
    Road Data Around Monterey Bay
  92. rayshader::montereybay
    Monterey Bay combined topographic and bathymetric elevation matrix.
  93. rayshader::washington_monument_multipolygonz
    Washington Monument 3D Model as Multipolygon Z Data
    sf|1 x 4
  94. rgdal::GridsDatums
    Grids and Datums PE&RS listing
  95. rgdal::nor2k
    Norwegian peaks over 2000m
  96. sfdep::guerry
    "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France" data set.
  97. sfdep::guerry_nb
    "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France" data set.
  98. sjPlot::efc
    Sample dataset from the EUROFAMCARE project
  99. stplanr::cents_sf
    Spatial points representing home locations
  100. stplanr::destinations_sf
    Example destinations data
  101. stplanr::flow
    Data frame of commuter flows
  102. stplanr::flow_dests
    Data frame of invented commuter flows with destinations in a different layer than the origins
  103. stplanr::flowlines_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows
  104. stplanr::od_data_lines
    Example of desire line representations of origin-destination data from UK Census
  105. stplanr::od_data_routes
    Example segment-level route data
  106. stplanr::od_data_sample
    Example of origin-destination data from UK Census
  107. stplanr::osm_net_example
    Example of OpenStreetMap road network
  108. stplanr::rnet_cycleway_intersection
    Example of cycleway intersection data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  109. stplanr::rnet_overpass
    Example of overpass data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  110. stplanr::rnet_roundabout
    Example of roundabout data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  111. stplanr::route_network_sf
    Spatial lines dataset representing a route network
  112. stplanr::route_network_small
    Spatial lines dataset representing a small route network
  113. stplanr::routes_fast_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
  114. stplanr::routes_slow_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
  115. stplanr::zones_sf
    Spatial polygons of home locations for flow analysis.
  116. tidycensus::acs5_geography
    Dataset used to identify geography availability in the 5-year ACS Detailed Tables
  117. tidycensus::county_laea
    County geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted and re-scaled
  118. tidycensus::fips_codes
    Dataset with FIPS codes for US states and counties
  119. tidycensus::mig_recodes
    Dataset with Migration Flows characteristic recodes
  120. tidycensus::pums_variables
    Dataset with PUMS variables and codes
  121. tidycensus::state_laea
    State geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted and re-scaled
  122. tidyqwi::geo_codes
    Geographic Codes
  123. tidyqwi::industry_labels
    Industry Labels
  124. tidyqwi::nc_qwi
    Example Data Set
  125. tidyqwi::owner_codes
    Owner Codes
  126. tidyqwi::qwi_var_names
    QWI Variable Names
  127. tidyqwi::state_info
    State Data (FIPS, Abbreviations, etc)
  128. tidytransit::gtfs_duke
    Example GTFS data
  129. tidytransit::route_type_names
    Dataframe of route type id's and the names of the types (e.g. "Bus")
  130. tigris::fips_codes
    Dataset with FIPS codes for US states and counties
  131. tmap::NLD_dist
    Netherlands datasets
    sf|3340 x 19
  132. tmap::NLD_muni
    Netherlands datasets
    sf|345 x 19
  133. tmap::NLD_prov
    Netherlands datasets
  134. tmap::World
    World dataset
    sf|177 x 18
  135. tmap::World_rivers
    Spatial data of rivers
  136. tmap::land
    Spatial data of global land cover
  137. tmap::metro
    Spatial data of metropolitan areas