--- title: "4. Manipulating Simple Features" author: "Edzer Pebesma" output: html_document: toc: true toc_float: collapsed: false smooth_scroll: false toc_depth: 2 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{4. Manipulating Simple Features} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r echo=FALSE, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE) ``` This vignette describes how simple features, i.e. records that come with a geometry, can be manipulated, for the case where these manipulations involve geometries. Manipulations include: * aggregating feature sets * summarising feature sets * joining two feature sets based on feature geometry Features are represented by records in an `sf` object, and have feature attributes (all non-geometry fields) and feature geometry. Since `sf` objects are a subclass of `data.frame` or `tbl_df`, operations on feature attributes work identically to how they work on `data.frame`s, e.g. ```{r} library(sf) nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")) nc <- st_transform(nc, 2264) nc[1,] ``` prints the first record. Many of the tidyverse/dplyr verbs have methods for `sf` objects. This means that if both `sf` and `dplyr` are loaded, manipulations such as selecting a single attribute will return an `sf` object: ```{r} library(dplyr) nc %>% select(NWBIR74) %>% head(2) ``` which implies that the geometry is sticky, and gets added automatically. If we want to drop geometry, we can coerce to `data.frame` first, this drops geometry list-columns: ```{r} nc %>% as.data.frame %>% select(NWBIR74) %>% head(2) ``` ## Subsetting feature sets We can subset feature sets by using the square bracket notation ```{r} nc[1, "NWBIR74"] ``` and use the `drop` argument to drop geometries: ```{r} nc[1, "NWBIR74", drop = TRUE] ``` but we can also use a spatial object as the row selector, to select features that intersect with another spatial feature: ```{r} Ashe = nc[nc$NAME == "Ashe",] class(Ashe) nc[Ashe,] ``` We see that in the result set `Ashe` is included, as the default value for argument `op` in `[.sf` is `st_intersects()`, and `Ashe` intersects with itself. We could exclude self-intersection by using predicate `st_touches()` (overlapping features don't touch): ```{r} Ashe = nc[nc$NAME == "Ashe",] nc[Ashe, op = st_touches] ``` Using `dplyr`, we can do the same by calling the predicate directly: ```{r} nc %>% filter(lengths(st_touches(., Ashe)) > 0) ``` ## Aggregating or summarizing feature sets Suppose we want to compare the 1974 fraction of SID (sudden infant death) of the counties that intersect with `Ashe` to the remaining ones. We can do this by: ```{r} a <- aggregate(nc[, c("SID74", "BIR74")], list(Ashe_nb = lengths(st_intersects(nc, Ashe)) > 0), sum) (a <- a %>% mutate(frac74 = SID74 / BIR74) %>% select(frac74)) plot(a[2], col = c(grey(.8), grey(.5))) plot(st_geometry(Ashe), border = '#ff8888', add = TRUE, lwd = 2) ``` ## Joining two feature sets based on attributes The usual join verbs of base R (`merge`) and of dplyr (`left_join()`, etc) work for `sf` objects as well; the joining takes place on attributes (ignoring geometries). In case of no matching geometry, an empty geometry is substituted. The second argument should be a `data.frame` (or similar), not an `sf` object: ```{r} x = st_sf(a = 1:2, geom = st_sfc(st_point(c(0,0)), st_point(c(1,1)))) y = data.frame(a = 2:3) merge(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE) right_join(x, y) ``` ## Joining two feature sets based on geometries For joining based on spatial intersections (of any kind), `st_join()` is used: ```{r fig=TRUE} x = st_sf(a = 1:3, geom = st_sfc(st_point(c(1,1)), st_point(c(2,2)), st_point(c(3,3)))) y = st_buffer(x, 0.1) x = x[1:2,] y = y[2:3,] plot(st_geometry(x), xlim = c(.5, 3.5)) plot(st_geometry(y), add = TRUE) ``` The join method is a left join, retaining all records of the first attribute: ```{r} st_join(x, y) st_join(y, x) ``` and the geometry retained is that of the first argument. The spatial join predicate can be controlled with any function compatible with `st_intersects()` (the default), e.g. ```{r} st_join(x, y, join = st_covers) # no matching y records: points don't cover circles st_join(y, x, join = st_covers) # matches for those circles covering a point ```