--- title: "2. Reading, Writing and Converting Simple Features" author: "Edzer Pebesma" output: html_document: toc: true toc_float: collapsed: false smooth_scroll: false toc_depth: 2 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{2. Reading, Writing and Converting Simple Features} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r echo=FALSE, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE) if (file.exists("nc1.shp")) file.remove("nc1.shp", "nc1.dbf", "nc1.shx") ``` This vignette describes how simple features can be read in R from files or databases, and how they can be converted to other formats (text, [sp](https://cran.r-project.org/package=sp)) ## Reading and writing through GDAL The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library ([GDAL](https://gdal.org/)) is the Swiss Army Knife for spatial data: it reads and writes vector and raster data from and to practically every file format, or database, of significance. Package `sf` reads and writes using GDAL using `st_read()` and `st_write()`. The data model GDAL uses needs * a data source, which may be a file, directory, or database * a layer, which is a single geospatial dataset inside a file or directory or e.g. a table in a database. * the specification of a driver (i.e., which format) * driver-specific reading or writing data sources, or layers This may sound complex, but it is needed to map to over 200 data formats! Package `sf` tries hard to simplify this where possible (e.g. a file contains a single layer), but this vignette will try to point you to the options. ### Using st_read As an example, we read the North Carolina counties SIDS dataset, which comes shipped with the `sf` package by: ```{r} library(sf) fname <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf") fname nc <- st_read(fname) ``` Typical users will use a file name with path for `fname`, or first set R's working directory with `setwd()` and use file name without path. We see here that a single argument is used to find both the datasource and the layer. This works when the datasource contains a single layer. In case the number of layers is zero (e.g. a database with no tables), an error message is given. In case there are more layers than one, the first layer is returned, but a message and a warning are given: ```{r eval=FALSE} > st_read("PG:dbname=postgis") Multiple layers are present in data source PG:dbname=postgis, reading layer `meuse'. Use `st_layers' to list all layer names and their type in a data source. Set the `layer' argument in `st_read' to read a particular layer. Reading layer `meuse' from data source `PG:dbname=postgis' using driver `PostgreSQL' Simple feature collection with 155 features and 12 fields geometry type: POINT dimension: XY bbox: xmin: 178605 ymin: 329714 xmax: 181390 ymax: 333611 epsg (SRID): 28992 proj4string: +proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555 ... Warning message: In eval(substitute(expr), envir, enclos) : automatically selected the first layer in a data source containing more than one. ``` The message points to the `st_layers()` command, which lists the driver and layers in a datasource, e.g. ```{r eval=FALSE} > st_layers("PG:dbname=postgis") Driver: PostgreSQL Available layers: layer_name geometry_type features fields 1 meuse Point 155 12 2 meuse_sf Point 155 12 3 sids Multi Polygon 100 14 4 meuse_tbl Point 155 13 5 meuse_tbl2 Point 155 13 > ``` A particular layer can now be read by e.g. ```{r eval=FALSE} st_read("PG:dbname=postgis", "sids") ``` `st_layers()` has the option to count the number of features in case these are missing: some datasources (e.g. OSM xml files) do not report the number of features, but need to be completely read for this. GDAL allows for more than one geometry column for a feature layer; these are reported by `st_layers()`. In case a layer contains only geometries but no attributes (fields), `st_read()` still returns an `sf` object, with a geometry column only. We see that GDAL automatically detects the driver (file format) of the datasource, by trying them all in turn. `st_read()` follows the conventions of base R, similar to how it reads tabular data into `data.frame`s. This means that character data are read, by default as `factor`s. For those who insist on retrieving character data as character vectors, the argument `stringsAsFactors` can be set to `FALSE`: ```{r eval=FALSE} st_read(fname, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ``` Alternatively, a user can set the global option `stringsAsFactors`, and this will have the same effect: ```{r} options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) st_read(fname) ``` ### Using st_write To write a simple features object to a file, we need at least two arguments, the object and a filename: ```{r eval=FALSE} st_write(nc, "nc1.shp") ``` The file name is taken as the data source name. The default for the layer name is the basename (filename without path) of the the data source name. For this, `st_write()` needs to guess the driver. The above command is, for instance, equivalent to: ```{r} st_write(nc, dsn = "nc1.shp", layer = "nc.shp", driver = "ESRI Shapefile") ``` How the guessing of drivers works is explained in the next section. ### Guessing a driver for output The output driver is guessed from the datasource name, either from its extension (`.shp`: `ESRI Shapefile`), or its prefix (`PG:`: `PostgreSQL`). The list of extensions with corresponding driver (short driver name) is: | extension| driver short name | | ---------| -----------------------------------------------------| | `bna` |`BNA` | | `csv` |`CSV` | | `e00` |`AVCE00` | | `gdb` |`FileGDB` | | `geojson`|`GeoJSON` | | `gml` |`GML` | | `gmt` |`GMT` | | `gpkg` |`GPKG` | | `gps` |`GPSBabel` | | `gtm` |`GPSTrackMaker`| | `gxt` |`Geoconcept` | | `jml` |`JML` | | `map` |`WAsP` | | `mdb` |`Geomedia` | | `nc` |`netCDF` | | `ods` |`ODS` | | `osm` |`OSM` | | `pbf` |`OSM` | | `shp` |`ESRI Shapefile` | | `sqlite` |`SQLite` | | `vdv` |`VDV` | | `xls` |`xls` | | `xlsx` |`XLSX` | The list with prefixes is: | prefix | driver short name | | ----------| ------------------------------------------------------------------| | `couchdb:`|`CouchDB` | | `DB2ODBC:`|`DB2ODBC` | | `DODS:` |`DODS` | | `GFT:` |`GFT` | | `MSSQL:` |`MSSQLSpatial` | | `MySQL:` |`MySQL` | | `OCI:` |`OCI` | | `ODBC:` |`ODBC` | | `PG:` |`PostgreSQL` | | `SDE:` |`SDE` | ### Dataset and layer reading or creation options Various GDAL drivers have options that influences the reading or writing process, for example what the driver should do when a table already exists in a database: append records to the table or overwrite it: ```{r eval=FALSE} st_write(st_as_sf(meuse), "PG:dbname=postgis", "meuse", layer_options = "OVERWRITE=true") ``` In case the table exists and the option is not specified, the driver will give an error. Driver-specific options are documented in the driver manual of [gdal](https://gdal.org/en/latest/drivers/vector/index.html). Multiple options can be given by multiple strings in `options`. For `st_read()`, there is only `options`; for `st_write()`, one needs to distinguish between `dataset_options` and `layer_options`, the first related to opening a dataset, the second to creating layers in the dataset. ## Reading and writing directly to and from spatial databases Package `sf` supports reading and writing from and to spatial databases using the `DBI` interface. So far, testing has mainly be done with `PostGIS`, other databases might work but may also need more work. An example of reading is: ```{r eval=FALSE} library(RPostgreSQL) conn = dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), dbname = "postgis") meuse = st_read(conn, "meuse") meuse_1_3 = st_read(conn, query = "select * from meuse limit 3;") dbDisconnect(conn) ``` We see here that in the second example a query is given. This query may contain spatial predicates, which could be a way to work through massive spatial datasets in R without having to read them completely in memory. Similarly, tables can be written: ```{r eval=FALSE} conn = dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), dbname = "postgis") st_write(conn, meuse, drop = TRUE) dbDisconnect(conn) ``` Here, the default table (layer) name is taken from the object name (`meuse`). Argument `drop` informs to drop (remove) the table before writing; logical argument `binary` determines whether to use well-known binary or well-known text when writing the geometry (where well-known binary is faster and lossless). ## Conversion to other formats: WKT, WKB, sp ### Conversion to and from well-known text The usual form in which we see simple features printed is well-known text: ```{r} st_point(c(0,1)) st_linestring(matrix(0:9,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)) ``` We can create these well-known text strings explicitly using `st_as_text`: ```{r} x = st_linestring(matrix(0:9,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)) str = st_as_text(x) x ``` We can convert back from WKT by using `st_as_sfc()`: ```{r} st_as_sfc(str) ``` ### Conversion to and from well-known binary Well-known binary is created from simple features by `st_as_binary()`: ```{r} x = st_linestring(matrix(0:9,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)) (x = st_as_binary(x)) class(x) ``` The object returned by `st_as_binary()` is of class `WKB` and is either a list with raw vectors, or a single raw vector. These can be converted into a hexadecimal character vector using `rawToHex()`: ```{r} rawToHex(x) ``` Converting back to `sf` uses `st_as_sfc()`: ```{r} x = st_as_binary(st_sfc(st_point(0:1), st_point(5:6))) st_as_sfc(x) ``` ### Conversion to and from sp Spatial objects as maintained by package `sp` can be converted into simple feature objects or geometries by `st_as_sf()` and `st_as_sfc()`, respectively: ```{r} methods(st_as_sf) methods(st_as_sfc) ``` An example would be: ```{r} library(sp) data(meuse) coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y m.sf = st_as_sf(meuse) opar = par(mar=rep(0,4)) plot(m.sf) ``` Conversion of simple feature objects of class `sf` or `sfc` into corresponding `Spatial*` objects is done using the `as` method, coercing to `Spatial`: ```{r} x = st_sfc(st_point(c(5,5)), st_point(c(6,9)), crs = 4326) as(x, "Spatial") ```