Package 'officedown'

Title: Enhanced 'R Markdown' Format for 'Word' and 'PowerPoint'
Description: Allows production of 'Microsoft' corporate documents from 'R Markdown' by reusing formatting defined in 'Microsoft Word' documents. You can reuse table styles, list styles but also add column sections, landscape oriented pages. Table and image captions as well as cross-references are transformed into 'Microsoft Word' fields, allowing documents edition and merging without issue with references; the syntax conforms to the 'bookdown' cross-reference definition. Objects generated by the 'officer' package are also supported in the 'knitr' chunks. 'Microsoft PowerPoint' presentations also benefit from this as well as the ability to produce editable vector graphics in 'PowerPoint' and also to define placeholder where content is to be added.
Authors: David Gohel [aut, cre, cph], ArData [cph], Institut für Qualitätssicherung und Transparenz im Gesundheitswesen [fnd], Noam Ross [aut] (rmarkdown implementation for rvg), ArData [cph], Martin Camitz [ctb]
Maintainer: David Gohel <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-24 05:19:28 UTC

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Force Block Printing while Knitting


When used in a loop, calls to blocks do not generate output because knit_print method is not called. Use the function to force printing. Also you should tell the chunk to use results 'as-is' (by adding results='asis' to your chunk header).


knit_print_block(x, ...)



a block object, result of a block function from officer package


unused arguments


None. the function only print XML code.

See Also

Other functions that force printing: knit_print_run()


rmd_file_src <- system.file(
  package = "officedown", "examples", "word_loop.Rmd")
rmd_file_des <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")

  file.copy(rmd_file_src, to = rmd_file_des)
  docx_file_1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  render(rmd_file_des, output_file = docx_file_1, quiet = TRUE)

    message("file ", docx_file_1, " has been written.")

Force Run Printing while Knitting


When used in a loop, runs do not outputs because knit_print method is not called. Use the function to force printing. Also you should tell the chunk to use results 'as-is' (by adding results='asis' to your chunk header).


knit_print_run(x, ...)



a run object, result of a run function from officer package


unused arguments


None. the function only print XML code.

See Also

Other functions that force printing: knit_print_block()


rmd_file_src <- system.file(
  package = "officedown", "examples", "word_loop.Rmd")
rmd_file_des <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")

  file.copy(rmd_file_src, to = rmd_file_des)
  docx_file_1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  render(rmd_file_des, output_file = docx_file_1, quiet = TRUE)

    message("file ", docx_file_1, " has been written.")

Advanced R Markdown Word Format


'R Markdown' Format for converting from 'R Markdown' document to an MS Word document.

The function enhances the output offered by rmarkdown::word_document() with advanced formatting features.


  base_format = "rmarkdown::word_document",
  tables = list(),
  plots = list(),
  lists = list(),
  mapstyles = list(),
  page_size = NULL,
  page_margins = NULL,
  reference_num = TRUE,



a scalar character, the format to be used as a base document for 'officedown'. Default to word_document but can also be word_document2() from bookdown.

When the base_format used is bookdown::word_document2, the number_sections parameter is automatically set to FALSE. Indeed, if you want numbered titles, you are asked to use a Word document template with auto-numbered titles (the title styles of the default ‘rdocx_document’ template are already set to FALSE).


see section 'Tables' below.


see section 'Plots' below.


see section 'Lists' below.


a named list of style to be replaced in the generated document. list("Normal" = c("Author", "Date")) will result in a document where all paragraphs styled with stylename "Date" and "Author" will be then styled with stylename "Normal".

page_size, page_margins

default page and margins dimensions. If not null (the default), these values are used to define the default Word section. See officer::page_size() and officer::page_mar().


if TRUE, text for references to sections will be the section number (e.g. '3.2'). If FALSE, text for references to sections will be the text (e.g. 'section title').


arguments used by word_document


R Markdown output format to pass to render.


a list that can contain few items to style tables and table captions. Missing items will be replaced by default values. Possible items are the following:

  • style: the Word stylename to use for tables.

  • layout: 'autofit' or 'fixed' algorithm. See table_layout.

  • width: value of the preferred width of the table in percent (base 1).

  • topcaption: caption will appear before (on top of) the table,

  • tab.lp: caption table sequence identifier. All table captions are supposed to have the same identifier. It makes possible to insert list of tables. It is also used to prefix your 'bookdown' cross-reference call; if tab.lp is set to "tab:", a cross-reference to table with id "xxxxx" is written as ⁠\@ref(tab:xxxxx)⁠. It is possible to set the value to your default Word value (in French for example it is "Tableau", in German it is "Tabelle"), you can then add manually a list of tables (go to the "References" tab and select menu "Insert Table of Figures").

  • caption; caption options, i.e.:

    • style: Word stylename to use for table captions.

    • pre: prefix for numbering chunk (default to "Table ").

    • sep: suffix for numbering chunk (default to ": ").

    • tnd: (only applies if positive. )Inserts the number of the last title of level tnd (i.e. 4.3-2 for figure 2 of chapter 4.3).

    • tns: separator to use between title number and table number. Default is "-".

    • fp_text: text formatting properties to apply to caption prefix - see officer::fp_text_lite().

  • conditional: a list of named logical values:

    • first_row and last_row: apply or remove formatting from the first or last row in the table

    • first_column and last_column: apply or remove formatting from the first or last column in the table

    • no_hband and no_vband: don't display odd and even rows or columns with alternating shading for ease of reading.

Default value is (in YAML format):

style: Table
layout: autofit
width: 1.0
topcaption: true
tab.lp: 'tab:'
  style: Table Caption
  pre: 'Table'
  sep: ':'
  tnd: 0
  tns: '-'
  fp_text: !expr officer::fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)
  first_row: true
  first_column: false
  last_row: false
  last_column: false
  no_hband: false
  no_vband: true


Argument plot is expected to be a list. It can contain few items to style figures and figure captions.

You don't have to provide values for each items of the list, missing items are replaced by default values. Possible items are:

  • style: the name of the "Word" paragraph style to use for the paragraphs that will contain a graphic.

  • align: alignment of paragraphs containing graphics (possible values are 'left', 'right' and 'center').

  • topcaption: specify whether the legend should appear above the graphic (TRUE) or below the graphic (FALSE).

  • fig.lp: Sequence identifier for figure legends. All graphics' captions are supposed to have the same identifier. This value is used for different features:

    • It is used to insert a table of figures.

    • It is also used to prefix your 'bookdown' cross-reference call; if fig.lp is set to "fig:", a cross-reference to the figure with id "xxxxx" is written as ⁠\@ref(fig:xxxxx)⁠.

    It is possible to set the Word default value (in French for example, it is "Figure"), you can then manually add a list of figures (go to the "References" tab and select the "Insert a table of figures" menu).

  • caption: a list for captions' options, i.e.

    • style: the name of the "Word" paragraph style to use for the paragraphs that will contain figures' captions.

    • pre: prefix for numbering chunk (default to "Figure ").

    • sep: suffix for numbering chunk (default to ": ").

    • tnd: (only applies if positive). Inserts the number of the last title of level tnd (i.e. 4.3-2 for figure 2 of chapter 4.3).

    • tns: separator to use between title number and figure number. Default is "-".

    • fp_text: text formatting properties to apply to caption prefix - see officer::fp_text_lite().

Default value is (in YAML format):

style: Normal
align: center
topcaption: false
fig.lp: 'fig:'
  style: Image Caption
  pre: 'Figure '
  sep: ': '
  tnd: 0
  tns: '-'
  fp_text: !expr officer::fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)


The parameter lists is a list that can contain two named items:

  • style to use for ordered lists.

  • style to use for unordered lists.

Default values are list( = NULL, = NULL).

Expected values are the stylenames to be used to replace the style of ordered and unordered lists created by pandoc. If NULL, no replacement is made.

These values in YAML format are:

    lists: null null

They can have values corresponding to existing stylenames (of type 'numbering'). With package 'officer', we can read these values with styles_info().

docx_file <- system.file(
  package = "officedown", "examples",
  "bookdown", "template.docx"
doc <- read_docx(docx_file)
styles_info(doc, type = "numbering")[, 1:6]
#>    style_type    style_id style_name     base_on is_custom is_default
#> 13  numbering Aucuneliste    No List        <NA>     FALSE       TRUE
#> 40  numbering   Defaultul Default ul Aucuneliste      TRUE      FALSE
#> 41  numbering   Defaultol Default ol Aucuneliste      TRUE      FALSE

From the above available values, the possible configuration is possible:

    lists: 'Default ol' 'Default ul'

Finding stylenames

You can access them in the Word template used. Function styles_info() can let you read these styles.

You need 'officer' to read the stylenames (to get information from a specific "reference_docx", change ref_docx_default in the example below.

docx_file <- system.file(package = "officer", "template", "template.docx")
doc <- read_docx(docx_file)

To read paragraph stylenames:

styles_info(doc, type = "paragraph")[, 1:6]
#>    style_type      style_id    style_name      base_on is_custom is_default
#> 1   paragraph        Normal        Normal         <NA>     FALSE       TRUE
#> 2   paragraph        Titre1     heading 1       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 3   paragraph        Titre2     heading 2       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 4   paragraph        Titre3     heading 3       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 9   paragraph      centered      centered       Normal      TRUE      FALSE
#> 15  paragraph  ImageCaption Image Caption       Normal      TRUE      FALSE
#> 16  paragraph  TableCaption Table Caption ImageCaption      TRUE      FALSE
#> 18  paragraph           TM1         toc 1       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 19  paragraph           TM2         toc 2       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 20  paragraph Textedebulles  Balloon Text       Normal     FALSE      FALSE
#> 23  paragraph  graphictitle graphic title ImageCaption      TRUE      FALSE
#> 24  paragraph    tabletitle   table title TableCaption      TRUE      FALSE

To read table stylenames:

styles_info(doc, type = "table")[, 1:6]
#>    style_type             style_id          style_name       base_on is_custom
#> 6       table        TableauNormal        Normal Table          <NA>     FALSE
#> 10      table        tabletemplate      table_template TableauNormal      TRUE
#> 11      table  Listeclaire-Accent2 Light List Accent 2 TableauNormal     FALSE
#> 17      table Tableauprofessionnel  Table Professional TableauNormal     FALSE
#>    is_default
#> 6        TRUE
#> 10      FALSE
#> 11      FALSE
#> 17      FALSE

To read list stylenames:

styles_info(doc, type = "numbering")[, 1:6]
#>   style_type    style_id style_name base_on is_custom is_default
#> 7  numbering Aucuneliste    No List    <NA>     FALSE       TRUE

R Markdown yaml

The following demonstrates how to pass arguments in the R Markdown yaml:

    reference_docx: pandoc_template.docx
      style: Table
      layout: autofit
      width: 1.0
      topcaption: true
      tab.lp: 'tab:'
        style: Table Caption
        pre: 'Table '
        sep: ': '
        tnd: 0
        tns: '-'
        fp_text: !expr officer::fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)
        first_row: true
        first_column: false
        last_row: false
        last_column: false
        no_hband: false
        no_vband: true
      style: Normal
      align: center
      fig.lp: 'fig:'
      topcaption: false
        style: Image Caption
        pre: 'Figure '
        sep: ': '
        tnd: 0
        tns: '-'
        fp_text: !expr officer::fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)
    lists: null null
      Normal: ['First Paragraph', 'Author', 'Date']
      width: 8.3
      height: 11.7
      orient: "portrait"
      bottom: 1
      top: 1
      right: 1.25
      left: 1.25
      header: 0.5
      footer: 0.5
      gutter: 0.5
    reference_num: true

Known limitations

When using knitr::include_graphics() in 'rdocx_document', the image must be local, while with standard 'R Markdown' output documents, images located on Internet are supported.


# rdocx_document basic example -----

if (pandoc_available() && pandoc_version() >= numeric_version("2.0")) {
  # minimal example -----
  example <- system.file(
    package = "officedown",
  rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
  file.copy(example, to = rmd_file)

  docx_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  render(rmd_file, output_file = docx_file, quiet = TRUE)

Advanced R Markdown PowerPoint Format


Format for converting from R Markdown to an MS PowerPoint document.

The function will allow you to specify the destination of your chunks in the output PowerPoint file. In this case, you must specify the layout and master for the layout you want to use, as well as the ph argument, which will allow you to specify the placeholder to be generated to place the result. Use the officer package to help you choose the identfiers to use.

This function also support Vector graphics output in an editable format (using package rvg). Wrap you R plot commands with function dml to use this graphic capability.


  base_format = "rmarkdown::powerpoint_presentation",
  layout = "Title and Content",
  master = "Office Theme",
  tcf = list(),



a scalar character, format to be used as a base document for officedown. default to powerpoint_presentation but can also be powerpoint_presentation2 from bookdown


default slide layout name to use


default master layout name where layout is located


default conditional formatting settings defined by officer::table_conditional_formatting()


arguments used by powerpoint_presentation


R Markdown output format to pass to render


run_ok <- pandoc_available() && pandoc_version() > numeric_version("2.4")

  example <- system.file(package = "officedown",
  rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
  file.copy(example, to = rmd_file)

  pptx_file_1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
  render(rmd_file, output_file = pptx_file_1)