Package 'devtools'

Title: Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
Description: Collection of package development tools.
Authors: Hadley Wickham [aut], Jim Hester [aut], Winston Chang [aut], Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-16 05:18:32 UTC

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Open bash shell in package directory.


Open bash shell in package directory.


bash(pkg = ".")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.

Build package


Building converts a package source directory into a single bundled file. If binary = FALSE this creates a tar.gz package that can be installed on any platform, provided they have a full development environment (although packages without source code can typically be installed out of the box). If binary = TRUE, the package will have a platform specific extension (e.g. .zip for windows), and will only be installable on the current platform, but no development environment is needed.


  pkg = ".",
  path = NULL,
  binary = FALSE,
  vignettes = TRUE,
  manual = FALSE,
  args = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Path in which to produce package. If NULL, defaults to the parent directory of the package.


Produce a binary (--binary) or source ( --no-manual --no-resave-data) version of the package.

vignettes, manual

For source packages: if FALSE, don't build PDF vignettes (--no-build-vignettes) or manual (--no-manual).


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠ if binary = FALSE, or ⁠R CMD install⁠ if binary = TRUE.


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.


Additional arguments passed to pkgbuild::build.



  • Config/build/clean-inst-doc can be set to FALSE to avoid cleaning up inst/doc when building a source package. Set it to TRUE to force a cleanup. See the clean_doc argument.

  • Config/build/copy-method can be used to avoid copying large directories in ⁠R CMD build⁠. It works by copying (or linking) the files of the package to a temporary directory, leaving out the (possibly large) files that are not part of the package. Possible values:

    • none: pkgbuild does not copy the package tree. This is the default.

    • copy: the package files are copied to a temporary directory before ⁠ R CMD build⁠.

    • link: the package files are symbolic linked to a temporary directory before ⁠R CMD build⁠. Windows does not have symbolic links, so on Windows this is equivalent to copy.

    You can also use the pkg.build_copy_method option or the PKG_BUILD_COPY_METHOD environment variable to set the copy method. The option is consulted first, then the DESCRIPTION entry, then the environment variable.

  • Config/build/extra-sources can be used to define extra source files for pkgbuild to decide whether a package DLL needs to be recompiled in needs_compile(). The syntax is a comma separated list of file names, or globs. (See utils::glob2rx().) E.g. ⁠src/rust/src/*.rs⁠ or ⁠configure*⁠.

  • Config/build/bootstrap can be set to TRUE to run ⁠Rscript bootstrap.R⁠ in the source directory prior to running subsequent build steps.

  • pkg.build_copy_method: use this option to avoid copying large directories when building a package. See possible values above, at the Config/build/copy-method DESCRIPTION entry.

  • pkg.build_stop_for_warnings: if it is set to TRUE, then pkgbuild will stop for ⁠R CMD build⁠ errors. It takes precedence over the PKG_BUILD_STOP_FOR_WARNINGS environment variable.

Environment variables
  • PKG_BUILD_COLOR_DIAGNOSTICS: set it to false to opt out of colored compiler diagnostics. Set it to true to force colored compiler diagnostics.

  • PKG_BUILD_COPY_METHOD: use this environment variable to avoid copying large directories when building a package. See possible values above, at the Config/build/copy-method DESCRIPTION entry.

will stop for ⁠R CMD build⁠ errors. The pkg.build_stop_for_warnings option takes precedence over this environment variable.


a string giving the location (including file name) of the built package


The default manual = FALSE is not suitable for a CRAN submission, which may require manual = TRUE. Even better, use submit_cran() or release().

Create package pdf manual


Create package pdf manual


build_manual(pkg = ".", path = NULL)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


path in which to produce package manual. If NULL, defaults to the parent directory of the package.

See Also


Build a Rmarkdown files package


build_rmd() is a wrapper around rmarkdown::render() that first installs a temporary copy of the package, and then renders each .Rmd in a clean R session. build_readme() locates your README.Rmd and builds it into a


build_rmd(files, path = ".", output_options = list(), ..., quiet = TRUE)

build_readme(path = ".", quiet = TRUE, ...)



The Rmarkdown files to be rendered.


path to the package to build the readme.


List of output options that can override the options specified in metadata (e.g. could be used to force self_contained or mathjax = "local"). Note that this is only valid when the output format is read from metadata (i.e. not a custom format object passed to output_format).


additional arguments passed to rmarkdown::render()


If TRUE, suppress output.

Execute pkgdown build_site in a package


build_site() is a shortcut for pkgdown::build_site(), it generates the static HTML documentation.


build_site(path = ".", quiet = TRUE, ...)



path to the package to build the static HTML.


If TRUE, suppress output.


additional arguments passed to pkgdown::build_site()

Build package vignettes.


Builds package vignettes using the same algorithm that ⁠R CMD build⁠ does. This means including non-Sweave vignettes, using makefiles (if present), and copying over extra files. The files are copied in the 'doc' directory and an vignette index is created in 'Meta/vignette.rds', as they would be in a built package. 'doc' and 'Meta' are added to .Rbuildignore, so will not be included in the built package. These files can be checked into version control, so they can be viewed with browseVignettes() and vignette() if the package has been loaded with load_all() without needing to re-build them locally.


  pkg = ".",
  dependencies = "VignetteBuilder",
  clean = TRUE,
  upgrade = "never",
  quiet = FALSE,
  install = TRUE,
  keep_md = TRUE



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


Remove all files generated by the build, even if there were copies there before.


Should package dependencies be upgraded? One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE are also accepted and correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.


If TRUE, suppresses most output. Set to FALSE if you need to debug.


If TRUE, install the package before building vignettes.


If TRUE, move md intermediates as well as rendered outputs. Most useful when using the keep_md YAML option for Rmarkdown outputs. See

See Also

clean_vignettes() to remove the pdfs in ‘doc’ created from vignettes

clean_vignettes() to remove build tex/pdf files.

Build and check a package


check() automatically builds and checks a source package, using all known best practices. check_built() checks an already-built package.

Passing ⁠R CMD check⁠ is essential if you want to submit your package to CRAN: you must not have any ERRORs or WARNINGs, and you want to ensure that there are as few NOTEs as possible. If you are not submitting to CRAN, at least ensure that there are no ERRORs or WARNINGs: these typically represent serious problems.

check() automatically builds a package before calling check_built(), as this is the recommended way to check packages. Note that this process runs in an independent R session, so nothing in your current workspace will affect the process. Under-the-hood, check() and check_built() rely on pkgbuild::build() and rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck().


  pkg = ".",
  document = NULL,
  build_args = NULL,
  manual = FALSE,
  cran = TRUE,
  remote = FALSE,
  incoming = remote,
  force_suggests = FALSE,
  run_dont_test = FALSE,
  args = "--timings",
  env_vars = c(NOT_CRAN = "true"),
  quiet = FALSE,
  check_dir = NULL,
  cleanup = deprecated(),
  vignettes = TRUE,
  error_on = c("never", "error", "warning", "note")

  path = NULL,
  cran = TRUE,
  remote = FALSE,
  incoming = remote,
  force_suggests = FALSE,
  run_dont_test = FALSE,
  manual = FALSE,
  args = "--timings",
  env_vars = NULL,
  check_dir = tempdir(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  error_on = c("never", "error", "warning", "note")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


By default (NULL) will document if your installed roxygen2 version matches the version declared in the DESCRIPTION file. Use TRUE or FALSE to override the default.


Additional arguments passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠


Additional arguments passed on to pkgbuild::build().


If FALSE, don't build and check manual (--no-manual).


if TRUE (the default), check using the same settings as CRAN uses. Because this is a moving target and is not uniform across all of CRAN's machine, this is on a "best effort" basis. It is more complicated than simply setting --as-cran.


Sets ⁠_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_REMOTE_⁠ env var. If TRUE, performs a number of CRAN incoming checks that require remote access.


Sets ⁠_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_⁠ env var. If TRUE, performs a number of CRAN incoming checks.


Sets ⁠_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_⁠. If FALSE (the default), check will proceed even if all suggested packages aren't found.


Sets --run-donttest so that examples surrounded in ⁠\donttest{}⁠ are also run. When cran = TRUE, this only affects R 3.6 and earlier; in R 4.0, code in ⁠\donttest{}⁠ is always run as part of CRAN submission.


Character vector of arguments to pass to ⁠R CMD check⁠. Pass each argument as a single element of this character vector (do not use spaces to delimit arguments like you would in the shell). For example, to skip running of examples and tests, use args = c("--no-examples", "--no-tests") and not args = "--no-examples --no-tests". (Note that instead of the --output option you should use the check_dir argument, because --output cannot deal with spaces and other special characters on Windows.)


Environment variables set during ⁠R CMD check⁠


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.


Path to a directory where the check is performed. If this is not NULL, then the a temporary directory is used, that is cleaned up when the returned object is garbage collected.


[Deprecated] See check_dir for details.


If FALSE, do not build or check vignettes, equivalent to using args = '--ignore-vignettes' and build_args = '--no-build-vignettes'.


Whether to throw an error on ⁠R CMD check⁠ failures. Note that the check is always completed (unless a timeout happens), and the error is only thrown after completion.

error_on is passed through to rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck(), which is the definitive source for what the different values mean. If not specified by the user, both check() and check_built() default to error_on = "never" in interactive use and "warning" in a non-interactive setting.


Path to built package.


An object containing errors, warnings, notes, and more.

Environment variables

Devtools does its best to set up an environment that combines best practices with how check works on CRAN. This includes:

  • The standard environment variables set by devtools: r_env_vars(). Of particular note for package tests is the NOT_CRAN env var, which lets you know that your tests are running somewhere other than CRAN, and hence can take a reasonable amount of time.

  • Debugging flags for the compiler, set by compiler_flags(FALSE).

  • If aspell is found, ⁠_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_USE_ASPELL_⁠ is set to TRUE. If no spell checker is installed, a warning is issued.

  • Environment variables, controlled by arguments incoming, remote and force_suggests.

See Also

release() if you want to send the checked package to CRAN.

Check a package on macOS


This function first bundles a source package, then uploads it to This function returns a link to the page where the check results will appear.


  pkg = ".",
  dep_pkgs = character(),
  args = NULL,
  manual = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Additional custom dependencies to install prior to checking the package.


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠ if binary = FALSE, or ⁠R CMD install⁠ if binary = TRUE.


Should the manual be built?


If TRUE, suppresses output.


Additional arguments passed to pkgbuild::build().


The url with the check results (invisibly)

See Also

Other build functions: check_rhub(), check_win()

Check documentation, as ⁠R CMD check⁠ does.


This function attempts to run the documentation related checks in the same way that ⁠R CMD check⁠ does. Unfortunately it can't run them all because some tests require the package to be loaded, and the way they attempt to load the code conflicts with how devtools does it.


check_man(pkg = ".")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Nothing. This function is called purely for it's side effects: if no errors there will be no output.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Run CRAN checks for package on R-hub


It runs build() on the package, with the arguments specified in args, and then submits it to the R-hub builder at The interactive option controls whether the function waits for the check output. Regardless, after the check is complete, R-hub sends an email with the results to the package maintainer.


  pkg = ".",
  platforms = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  interactive = TRUE,
  build_args = NULL,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


R-hub platforms to run the check on. If NULL uses default list of CRAN checkers (one for each major platform, and one with extra checks if you have compiled code). You can also specify your own, see rhub::platforms() for a complete list.


email address to notify, defaults to the maintainer address in the package.


whether to show the status of the build interactively. R-hub will send an email to the package maintainer's email address, regardless of whether the check is interactive or not.


Arguments passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠


extra arguments, passed to rhub::check_for_cran().


a rhub_check object.

About email validation on r-hub

To build and check R packages on R-hub, you need to validate your email address. This is because R-hub sends out emails about build results. See more at rhub::validate_email().

See Also

Other build functions: check_mac_release(), check_win()

Check a package on Windows


This function first bundles a source package, then uploads it to Once the service has built and checked the package, an email is sent to address of the maintainer listed in DESCRIPTION. This usually takes around 30 minutes. The email contains a link to a directory with the package binary and check logs, which will be deleted after a couple of days.


  pkg = ".",
  args = NULL,
  manual = TRUE,
  email = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,

  pkg = ".",
  args = NULL,
  manual = TRUE,
  email = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,

  pkg = ".",
  args = NULL,
  manual = TRUE,
  email = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠ if binary = FALSE, or ⁠R CMD install⁠ if binary = TRUE.


Should the manual be built?


An alternative email address to use. If NULL, the default is to use the package maintainer's email.


If TRUE, suppresses output.


Additional arguments passed to pkgbuild::build().


  • check_win_devel(): Check package on the development version of R.

  • check_win_release(): Check package on the released version of R.

  • check_win_oldrelease(): Check package on the previous major release version of R.

See Also

Other build functions: check_mac_release(), check_rhub()

Clean built vignettes.


This uses a fairly rudimentary algorithm where any files in ‘doc’ with a name that exists in ‘vignettes’ are removed.


clean_vignettes(pkg = ".")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.

Create a package


Create a package


create(path, ..., open = FALSE)



A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is created, provided that the parent path exists.


Additional arguments passed to usethis::create_package()


If TRUE, activates the new project:

  • If using RStudio desktop, the package is opened in a new session.

  • If on RStudio server, the current RStudio project is activated.

  • Otherwise, the working directory and active project is changed.


The path to the created package, invisibly.

Report package development situation


dev_sitrep() reports

  • If R is up to date

  • If RStudio is up to date

  • If compiler build tools are installed and available for use

  • If devtools and its dependencies are up to date

  • If the package's dependencies are up to date

Call this function if things seem weird and you're not sure what's wrong or how to fix it. If this function returns no output everything should be ready for package development.


dev_sitrep(pkg = ".", debug = FALSE)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


If TRUE, will print out extra information useful for debugging. If FALSE, it will use result cached from a previous run.


A named list, with S3 class dev_sitrep (for printing purposes).


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Use roxygen to document a package.


This function is a wrapper for the roxygen2::roxygenize() function from the roxygen2 package. See the documentation and vignettes of that package to learn how to use roxygen.


document(pkg = ".", roclets = NULL, quiet = FALSE)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Character vector of roclet names to use with package. The default, NULL, uses the roxygen roclets option, which defaults to c("collate", "namespace", "rd").


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.

See Also

roxygen2::roxygenize(), browseVignettes("roxygen2")

Install a local development package.


Uses ⁠R CMD INSTALL⁠ to install the package. Will also try to install dependencies of the package from CRAN, if they're not already installed.


  pkg = ".",
  reload = TRUE,
  quick = FALSE,
  build = !quick,
  args = getOption("devtools.install.args"),
  quiet = FALSE,
  dependencies = NA,
  upgrade = "default",
  build_vignettes = FALSE,
  keep_source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"),
  force = FALSE,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


if TRUE (the default), will automatically reload the package after installing.


if TRUE skips docs, multiple-architectures, demos, and vignettes, to make installation as fast as possible.


if TRUE pkgbuild::build()s the package first: this ensures that the installation is completely clean, and prevents any binary artefacts (like ‘.o’, .so) from appearing in your local package directory, but is considerably slower, because every compile has to start from scratch.


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to ⁠R CMD INSTALL⁠. This defaults to the value of the option "devtools.install.args".


If TRUE, suppress output.


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


Should package dependencies be upgraded? One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE are also accepted and correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.


if TRUE, will build vignettes. Normally it is build that's responsible for creating vignettes; this argument makes sure vignettes are built even if a build never happens (i.e. because build = FALSE).


If TRUE will keep the srcrefs from an installed package. This is useful for debugging (especially inside of RStudio). It defaults to the option "keep.source.pkgs".


Force installation, even if the remote state has not changed since the previous install.


additional arguments passed to remotes::install_deps() when installing dependencies.


If quick = TRUE, installation takes place using the current package directory. If you have compiled code, this means that artefacts of compilation will be created in the ⁠src/⁠ directory. If you want to avoid this, you can use build = TRUE to first build a package bundle and then install it from a temporary directory. This is slower, but keeps the source directory pristine.

If the package is loaded, it will be reloaded after installation. This is not always completely possible, see reload() for caveats.

To install a package in a non-default library, use withr::with_libpaths().

See Also

update_packages() to update installed packages from the source location and with_debug() to install packages with debugging flags set.

Other package installation: uninstall()

Install package dependencies if needed.


install_deps() will install the user dependencies needed to run the package, install_dev_deps() will also install the development dependencies needed to test and build the package.


  pkg = ".",
  dependencies = NA,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  upgrade = c("default", "ask", "always", "never"),
  quiet = FALSE,
  build = TRUE,
  build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", " --no-build-vignettes"),

  pkg = ".",
  dependencies = TRUE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  upgrade = c("default", "ask", "always", "never"),
  quiet = FALSE,
  build = TRUE,
  build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", " --no-build-vignettes"),



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


A character vector giving repositories to use.


Type of package to update.


Should package dependencies be upgraded? One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE are also accepted and correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.


If TRUE, suppress output.


if TRUE pkgbuild::build()s the package first: this ensures that the installation is completely clean, and prevents any binary artefacts (like ‘.o’, .so) from appearing in your local package directory, but is considerably slower, because every compile has to start from scratch.


Options to pass to ⁠R CMD build⁠, only used when build is TRUE.


additional arguments passed to remotes::install_deps() when installing dependencies.


## Not run: install_deps(".")

Lint all source files in a package


The default linters correspond to the style guide at, however it is possible to override any or all of them using the linters parameter.


lint(pkg = ".", cache = TRUE, ...)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Store the lint results so repeated lints of the same content use the previous results. Consult the lintr package to learn more about its caching behaviour.


Additional arguments passed to lintr::lint_package().

See Also

lintr::lint_package(), lintr::lint()

Load complete package


load_all() loads a package. It roughly simulates what happens when a package is installed and loaded with library(), without having to first install the package. It:

  • Loads all data files in ⁠data/⁠. See load_data() for more details.

  • Sources all R files in the R directory, storing results in environment that behaves like a regular package namespace. See load_code() for more details.

  • Adds a shim from system.file() to shim_system.file() in the imports environment of the package. This ensures that system.file() works with both development and installed packages despite their differing directory structures.

  • Adds shims from help() and ⁠?⁠ to shim_help() and shim_question() to make it easier to preview development documentation.

  • Compiles any C, C++, or Fortran code in the ⁠src/⁠ directory and connects the generated DLL into R. See pkgbuild::compile_dll() for more details.

  • Loads any compiled translations in inst/po.

  • Runs .onAttach(), .onLoad() and .onUnload() functions at the correct times.

  • If you use testthat, will load all test helpers so you can access them interactively. devtools sets the DEVTOOLS_LOAD environment variable to the package name to let you check whether the helpers are run during package loading.

is_loading() returns TRUE when it is called while load_all() is running. This may be useful e.g. in .onLoad hooks.


  path = ".",
  reset = TRUE,
  recompile = FALSE,
  export_all = TRUE,
  helpers = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,



Path to a package, or within a package.


clear package environment and reset file cache before loading any pieces of the package. This largely equivalent to running unload(), however the old namespaces are not completely removed and no .onUnload() hooks are called. Use reset = FALSE may be faster for large code bases, but is a significantly less accurate approximation.


DEPRECATED. force a recompile of DLL from source code, if present. This is equivalent to running pkgbuild::clean_dll() before load_all()


If TRUE (the default), export all objects. If FALSE, export only the objects that are listed as exports in the NAMESPACE file.


if TRUE loads testthat test helpers.


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.


Additional arguments passed to pkgload::load_all().

Differences to regular loading

load_all() tries its best to reproduce the behaviour of loadNamespace() and library(). However it deviates from normal package loading in several ways.

  • load_all() doesn't install the package to a library, so system.file() doesn't work. pkgload fixes this for the package itself installing a shim, shim_system.file(). However, this shim is not visible to third party packages, so they will fail if they attempt to find files within your package. One potential workaround is to use fs::path_package() instead of system.file(), since that understands the mechanisms that devtools uses to load packages.

  • load_all() loads all packages referenced in Imports at load time, but loadNamespace() and library() only load package dependencies as they are needed.

  • load_all() copies all objects (not just the ones listed as exports) into the package environment. This is useful during development because it makes internal objects easy to access. To export only the objects listed as exports, use export_all = FALSE. This more closely simulates behavior when loading an installed package with library(), and can be useful for checking for missing exports.


## Not run: 
# Load the package in the current directory

# Running again loads changed files

# With reset=TRUE, unload and reload the package for a clean start
load_all("./", TRUE)

# With export_all=FALSE, only objects listed as exports in NAMESPACE
# are exported
load_all("./", export_all = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Find missing s3 exports.


The method is heuristic - looking for objs with a period in their name.


missing_s3(pkg = ".")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.

Release package to CRAN.


Run automated and manual tests, then post package to CRAN.


release(pkg = ".", check = FALSE, args = NULL)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


if TRUE, run checking, otherwise omit it. This is useful if you've just checked your package and you're ready to release it.


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to ⁠R CMD build⁠.


The package release process will:

  • Confirm that the package passes ⁠R CMD check⁠ on relevant platforms

  • Confirm that important files are up-to-date

  • Build the package

  • Submit the package to CRAN, using comments in ""

You can add arbitrary extra questions by defining an (un-exported) function called release_questions() that returns a character vector of additional questions to ask.

You also need to read the CRAN repository policy at '' and make sure you're in line with the policies. release tries to automate as many of polices as possible, but it's impossible to be completely comprehensive, and they do change in between releases of devtools.

See Also

usethis::use_release_issue() to create a checklist of release tasks that you can use in addition to or in place of release.

Unload and reload package.


This attempts to unload and reload an installed package. If the package is not loaded already, it does nothing. It's not always possible to cleanly unload a package: see the caveats in unload() for some of the potential failure points. If in doubt, restart R and reload the package with library().


reload(pkg = ".", quiet = FALSE)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.

See Also

load_all() to load a package for interactive development.


## Not run: 
# Reload package that is in current directory

# Reload package that is in ./ggplot2/

# Can use inst() to find the package path
# This will reload the installed ggplot2 package

## End(Not run)

Run all examples in a package.


One of the most frustrating parts of ⁠R CMD check⁠ is getting all of your examples to pass - whenever one fails you need to fix the problem and then restart the whole process. This function makes it a little easier by making it possible to run all examples from an R function.


  pkg = ".",
  start = NULL,
  show = deprecated(),
  run_donttest = FALSE,
  run_dontrun = FALSE,
  fresh = FALSE,
  document = TRUE,
  run = deprecated(),
  test = deprecated()



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


Where to start running the examples: this can either be the name of Rd file to start with (with or without extensions), or a topic name. If omitted, will start with the (lexicographically) first file. This is useful if you have a lot of examples and don't want to rerun them every time you fix a problem.




if TRUE, do run ⁠\donttest⁠ sections in the Rd files.


if TRUE, do run ⁠\dontrun⁠ sections in the Rd files.


if TRUE, will be run in a fresh R session. This has the advantage that there's no way the examples can depend on anything in the current session, but interactive code (like browser()) won't work.


if TRUE, document() will be run to ensure examples are updated before running them.

run, test

Deprecated, see run_dontrun and run_donttest above.

Save all documents in an active IDE session.


Helper function wrapping IDE-specific calls to save all documents in the active session. In this form, callers of save_all() don't need to execute any IDE-specific code. This function can be extended to include other IDE implementations of their equivalent rstudioapi::documentSaveAll() methods.



Show package news


Show package news


show_news(pkg = ".", latest = TRUE, ...)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


if TRUE, only show the news for the most recent version.


other arguments passed on to news

Run a script on gist


“Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository.”


source_gist(id, ..., filename = NULL, sha1 = NULL, quiet = FALSE)



either full url (character), gist ID (numeric or character of numeric).


other options passed to source()


if there is more than one R file in the gist, which one to source (filename ending in '.R')? Default NULL will source the first file.


The SHA-1 hash of the file at the remote URL. This is highly recommend as it prevents you from accidentally running code that's not what you expect. See source_url() for more information on using a SHA-1 hash.


if FALSE, the default, prints informative messages.

See Also



## Not run: 
# You can run gists given their id

# Or their html url

# It's highly recommend that you run source_gist with the optional
# sha1 argument - this will throw an error if the file has changed since
# you first ran it
source_gist(6872663, sha1 = "54f1db27e60")
# Wrong hash will result in error
source_gist(6872663, sha1 = "54f1db27e61")

#' # You can speficy a particular R file in the gist
source_gist(6872663, filename = "hi.r")
source_gist(6872663, filename = "hi.r", sha1 = "54f1db27e60")

## End(Not run)

Run a script through some protocols such as http, https, ftp, etc.


If a SHA-1 hash is specified with the sha1 argument, then this function will check the SHA-1 hash of the downloaded file to make sure it matches the expected value, and throw an error if it does not match. If the SHA-1 hash is not specified, it will print a message displaying the hash of the downloaded file. The purpose of this is to improve security when running remotely-hosted code; if you have a hash of the file, you can be sure that it has not changed. For convenience, it is possible to use a truncated SHA1 hash, down to 6 characters, but keep in mind that a truncated hash won't be as secure as the full hash.


source_url(url, ..., sha1 = NULL)





other options passed to source()


The (prefix of the) SHA-1 hash of the file at the remote URL.

See Also



## Not run: 


# With a hash, to make sure the remote file hasn't changed
  sha1 = "54f1db27e60bb7e0486d785604909b49e8fef9f9")

# With a truncated hash
  sha1 = "54f1db27e60")

## End(Not run)

Spell checking


Runs a spell check on text fields in the package description file, manual pages, and optionally vignettes. Wraps the spelling package.


spell_check(pkg = ".", vignettes = TRUE, use_wordlist = TRUE)



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


also check all rmd and rnw files in the pkg vignettes folder


ignore words in the package WORDLIST file

Execute testthat tests in a package



test(pkg = ".", filter = NULL, stop_on_failure = FALSE, export_all = TRUE, ...)

test_active_file(file = find_active_file(), ...)

test_coverage(pkg = ".", show_report = interactive(), ...)

  file = find_active_file(),
  filter = TRUE,
  show_report = interactive(),
  export_all = TRUE,



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


If not NULL, only tests with file names matching this regular expression will be executed. Matching is performed on the file name after it's stripped of "test-" and ".R".


If TRUE, throw an error if any tests fail.


If TRUE (the default), export all objects. If FALSE, export only the objects that are listed as exports in the NAMESPACE file.


additional arguments passed to wrapped functions.


One or more source or test files. If a source file the corresponding test file will be run. The default is to use the active file in RStudio (if available).


Show the test coverage report.

Uninstall a local development package


Uses remove.packages() to uninstall the package. To uninstall a package from a non-default library, use in combination with withr::with_libpaths().


uninstall(pkg = ".", unload = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, lib = .libPaths()[[1]])



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


if TRUE (the default), ensures the package is unloaded, prior to uninstalling.


If TRUE, suppress output.


a character vector giving the library directories to remove the packages from. If missing, defaults to the first element in .libPaths().

See Also

with_debug() to install packages with debugging flags set.

Other package installation: install()

Set working directory.


Set working directory.


wd(pkg = ".", path = "")



The package to use, can be a file path to the package or a package object. See as.package() for more information.


path within package. Leave empty to change working directory to package directory.