--- title: "Efficient reshaping using data.tables" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: markdown::html_format vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Efficient reshaping using data.tables} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} require(data.table) knitr::opts_chunk$set( comment = "#", error = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, cache = FALSE, collapse = TRUE) .old.th = setDTthreads(1) ``` This vignette discusses the default usage of reshaping functions `melt` (wide to long) and `dcast` (long to wide) for *data.tables* as well as the **new extended functionalities** of melting and casting on *multiple columns* available from `v1.9.6`. *** ```{r echo = FALSE} options(width = 100L) ``` ## Data We will load the data sets directly within sections. ## Introduction The `melt` and `dcast` functions for `data.table`s are for reshaping wide-to-long and long-to-wide, respectively; the implementations are specifically designed with large in-memory data (e.g. 10Gb) in mind. In this vignette, we will 1. First briefly look at the default `melt`ing and `dcast`ing of `data.table`s to convert them from *wide* to *long* format and _vice versa_ 2. Look at scenarios where the current functionalities become cumbersome and inefficient 3. Finally look at the new improvements to both `melt` and `dcast` methods for `data.table`s to handle multiple columns simultaneously. The extended functionalities are in line with `data.table`'s philosophy of performing operations efficiently and in a straightforward manner. ## 1. Default functionality ### a) `melt`ing `data.table`s (wide to long) Suppose we have a `data.table` (artificial data) as shown below: ```{r} s1 <- "family_id age_mother dob_child1 dob_child2 dob_child3 1 30 1998-11-26 2000-01-29 NA 2 27 1996-06-22 NA NA 3 26 2002-07-11 2004-04-05 2007-09-02 4 32 2004-10-10 2009-08-27 2012-07-21 5 29 2000-12-05 2005-02-28 NA" DT <- fread(s1) DT ## dob stands for date of birth. str(DT) ``` #### - Convert `DT` to *long* form where each `dob` is a separate observation. We could accomplish this using `melt()` by specifying `id.vars` and `measure.vars` arguments as follows: ```{r} DT.m1 = melt(DT, id.vars = c("family_id", "age_mother"), measure.vars = c("dob_child1", "dob_child2", "dob_child3")) DT.m1 str(DT.m1) ``` * `measure.vars` specify the set of columns we would like to collapse (or combine) together. * We can also specify column *positions* instead of *names*. * By default, `variable` column is of type `factor`. Set `variable.factor` argument to `FALSE` if you'd like to return a *`character`* vector instead. * By default, the molten columns are automatically named `variable` and `value`. * `melt` preserves column attributes in result. #### - Name the `variable` and `value` columns to `child` and `dob` respectively ```{r} DT.m1 = melt(DT, measure.vars = c("dob_child1", "dob_child2", "dob_child3"), variable.name = "child", value.name = "dob") DT.m1 ``` * By default, when one of `id.vars` or `measure.vars` is missing, the rest of the columns are *automatically assigned* to the missing argument. * When neither `id.vars` nor `measure.vars` are specified, as mentioned under `?melt`, all *non*-`numeric`, `integer`, `logical` columns will be assigned to `id.vars`. In addition, a warning message is issued highlighting the columns that are automatically considered to be `id.vars`. ### b) `dcast`ing `data.table`s (long to wide) In the previous section, we saw how to get from wide form to long form. Let's see the reverse operation in this section. #### - How can we get back to the original data table `DT` from `DT.m1`? That is, we'd like to collect all *child* observations corresponding to each `family_id, age_mother` together under the same row. We can accomplish it using `dcast` as follows: ```{r} dcast(DT.m1, family_id + age_mother ~ child, value.var = "dob") ``` * `dcast` uses *formula* interface. The variables on the *LHS* of formula represents the *id* vars and *RHS* the *measure* vars. * `value.var` denotes the column to be filled in with while casting to wide format. * `dcast` also tries to preserve attributes in result wherever possible. #### - Starting from `DT.m1`, how can we get the number of children in each family? You can also pass a function to aggregate by in `dcast` with the argument `fun.aggregate`. This is particularly essential when the formula provided does not identify single observation for each cell. ```{r} dcast(DT.m1, family_id ~ ., fun.agg = function(x) sum(!is.na(x)), value.var = "dob") ``` Check `?dcast` for other useful arguments and additional examples. ## 2. Limitations in current `melt/dcast` approaches So far we've seen features of `melt` and `dcast` that are implemented efficiently for `data.table`s, using internal `data.table` machinery (*fast radix ordering*, *binary search* etc.). However, there are situations we might run into where the desired operation is not expressed in a straightforward manner. For example, consider the `data.table` shown below: ```{r} s2 <- "family_id age_mother dob_child1 dob_child2 dob_child3 gender_child1 gender_child2 gender_child3 1 30 1998-11-26 2000-01-29 NA 1 2 NA 2 27 1996-06-22 NA NA 2 NA NA 3 26 2002-07-11 2004-04-05 2007-09-02 2 2 1 4 32 2004-10-10 2009-08-27 2012-07-21 1 1 1 5 29 2000-12-05 2005-02-28 NA 2 1 NA" DT <- fread(s2) DT ## 1 = female, 2 = male ``` And you'd like to combine (`melt`) all the `dob` columns together, and `gender` columns together. Using the current functionality, we can do something like this: ```{r} DT.m1 = melt(DT, id = c("family_id", "age_mother")) DT.m1[, c("variable", "child") := tstrsplit(variable, "_", fixed = TRUE)] DT.c1 = dcast(DT.m1, family_id + age_mother + child ~ variable, value.var = "value") DT.c1 str(DT.c1) ## gender column is class IDate now! ``` #### Issues 1. What we wanted to do was to combine all the `dob` and `gender` type columns together respectively. Instead, we are combining *everything* together, and then splitting them again. I think it's easy to see that it's quite roundabout (and inefficient). As an analogy, imagine you've a closet with four shelves of clothes and you'd like to put together the clothes from shelves 1 and 2 together (in 1), and 3 and 4 together (in 3). What we are doing is more or less to combine all the clothes together, and then split them back on to shelves 1 and 3! 2. The columns to `melt` may be of different types, as in this case (`character` and `integer` types). By `melt`ing them all together, the columns will be coerced in result, as explained by the warning message above and shown from output of `str(DT.c1)`, where `gender` has been converted to *`character`* type. 3. We are generating an additional column by splitting the `variable` column into two columns, whose purpose is quite cryptic. We do it because we need it for *casting* in the next step. 4. Finally, we cast the data set. But the issue is it's a much more computationally involved operation than *melt*. Specifically, it requires computing the order of the variables in formula, and that's costly. In fact, `stats::reshape` is capable of performing this operation in a very straightforward manner. It is an extremely useful and often underrated function. You should definitely give it a try! ## 3. Enhanced (new) functionality ### a) Enhanced `melt` Since we'd like for `data.table`s to perform this operation straightforward and efficient using the same interface, we went ahead and implemented an *additional functionality*, where we can `melt` to multiple columns *simultaneously*. #### - `melt` multiple columns simultaneously The idea is quite simple. We pass a list of columns to `measure.vars`, where each element of the list contains the columns that should be combined together. ```{r} colA = paste0("dob_child", 1:3) colB = paste0("gender_child", 1:3) DT.m2 = melt(DT, measure = list(colA, colB), value.name = c("dob", "gender")) DT.m2 str(DT.m2) ## col type is preserved ``` * We can remove the `variable` column if necessary. * The functionality is implemented entirely in C, and is therefore both *fast* and *memory efficient* in addition to being *straightforward*. #### - Using `patterns()` Usually in these problems, the columns we'd like to melt can be distinguished by a common pattern. We can use the function `patterns()`, implemented for convenience, to provide regular expressions for the columns to be combined together. The above operation can be rewritten as: ```{r} DT.m2 = melt(DT, measure = patterns("^dob", "^gender"), value.name = c("dob", "gender")) DT.m2 ``` #### - Using `measure()` to specify `measure.vars` via separator or pattern If, as in the data above, the input columns to melt have regular names, then we can use `measure`, which allows specifying the columns to melt via a separator or a regex. For example consider the iris data, ```{r} (two.iris = data.table(datasets::iris)[c(1,150)]) ``` The iris data has four numeric columns with a regular structure: first the flower part, then a period, then the measurement dimension. To specify that we want to melt those four columns, we can use `measure` with `sep="."` which means to use `strsplit` on all column names; the columns which result in the maximum number of groups after splitting will be used as `measure.vars`: ```{r} melt(two.iris, measure.vars = measure(part, dim, sep=".")) ``` The first two arguments to `measure` in the code above (`part` and `dim`) are used to name the output columns; the number of arguments must equal the max number of groups after splitting with `sep`. If we want two value columns, one for each part, we can use the special `value.name` keyword, which means to output a value column for each unique name found in that group: ```{r} melt(two.iris, measure.vars = measure(value.name, dim, sep=".")) ``` Using the code above we get one value column per flower part. If we instead want a value column for each measurement dimension, we can do: ```{r} melt(two.iris, measure.vars = measure(part, value.name, sep=".")) ``` Going back to the example of the data with families and children, we can see a more complex usage of `measure`, involving a function which is used to convert the `child` string values to integers: ```{r} DT.m3 = melt(DT, measure = measure(value.name, child=as.integer, sep="_child")) DT.m3 ``` In the code above we used `sep="_child"` which results in melting only the columns which contain that string (six column names split into two groups each). The `child=as.integer` argument means the second group will result in an output column named `child` with values defined by plugging the character strings from that group into the function `as.integer`. Finally we consider an example (borrowed from tidyr package) where we need to define the groups using a regular expression rather than a separator. ```{r} (who <- data.table(id=1, new_sp_m5564=2, newrel_f65=3)) melt(who, measure.vars = measure( diagnosis, gender, ages, pattern="new_?(.*)_(.)(.*)")) ``` When using the `pattern` argument, it must be a Perl-compatible regular expression containing the same number of capture groups (parenthesized sub-expressions) as the number other arguments (group names). The code below shows how to use a more complex regex with five groups, two numeric output columns, and an anonymous type conversion function, ```{r} melt(who, measure.vars = measure( diagnosis, gender, ages, ymin=as.numeric, ymax=function(y) ifelse(nzchar(y), as.numeric(y), Inf), pattern="new_?(.*)_(.)(([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2}))" )) ``` ### b) Enhanced `dcast` Okay great! We can now melt into multiple columns simultaneously. Now given the data set `DT.m2` as shown above, how can we get back to the same format as the original data we started with? If we use the current functionality of `dcast`, then we'd have to cast twice and bind the results together. But that's once again verbose, not straightforward and is also inefficient. #### - Casting multiple `value.var`s simultaneously We can now provide **multiple `value.var` columns** to `dcast` for `data.table`s directly so that the operations are taken care of internally and efficiently. ```{r} ## new 'cast' functionality - multiple value.vars DT.c2 = dcast(DT.m2, family_id + age_mother ~ variable, value.var = c("dob", "gender")) DT.c2 ``` * Attributes are preserved in result wherever possible. * Everything is taken care of internally, and efficiently. In addition to being fast, it is also very memory efficient. # #### Multiple functions to `fun.aggregate`: You can also provide *multiple functions* to `fun.aggregate` to `dcast` for *data.tables*. Check the examples in `?dcast` which illustrates this functionality. ```{r, echo=FALSE} setDTthreads(.old.th) ``` # ***