Title: | Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages |
Description: | This package uses the functions written by Daniel Morissette <[email protected]> to read geographical information in Arc/Info V 7.x format and E00 files to import the coverages into R variables. |
Authors: | Virgilio G<f3>mez-Rubio <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Virgilio G<f3>mez-Rubio <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.4-12 |
Built: | 2025-03-03 04:17:41 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/RArcInfo |
This function makes a convertion to an ESRI E00 file from a binary coverage.
avctoe00(avcdir, e00file)
avctoe00(avcdir, e00file)
avcdir |
The path to the binary coverage we want to convert from. |
e00file |
The E00 file to be created. |
Returns 'NULL' on exit.
This function makes a convertion from an ESRI E00 file to a binary coverage. Usually two new directories are created. One with the name of the coverage and another called 'info', where some information about the tables are created. If this directory already exists (because there are already other binary coverages), then the new information is added and no file is replaced or deleted.
e00toavc(e00file, avcdir)
e00toavc(e00file, avcdir)
e00file |
The E00 file to be converted. |
avcdir |
The path to the binary coverage directory we want to create. |
Returns 'NULL' on exit.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of an arcs definition file.
get.arcdata(datadir, coverage, filename="arc.adf")
get.arcdata(datadir, coverage, filename="arc.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with. |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data. By default, it is called 'arc.dat'. |
This function returns a list with two elements. The first one is a data frame containing the next fields (by columns):
ArcID |
A number that identifies this arc. |
ArcUserID |
Identifier defined by the user. |
FromNode |
The node where the arc begins. |
ToNode |
The node where the arc finishes. |
LeftPoly |
The number of the polygon that is to the left of the arc. |
RightPoly |
The number of the polygon that is to the right of the arc. |
NVertices |
The number of vertices the arc has. |
The second element is a list that stores the vertices of the arc. So, each element in this list is also a list of two arrays: the first for the X coordinates and the secod for the Y coordinates.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a BND file. This kind of files store the bounds of the given coverage (the one we are working with). That is, the upper and lower bounds for the x and y coordinates.
get.bnddata(infodir, tablename)
get.bnddata(infodir, tablename)
infodir |
Directory where there is a file called arc.dat (usually, it is called 'info'). |
tablename |
The name of the table in the coverage that stores the data (usually called 'COVERAGENAME.BND'). |
A vector with the x min, y min, x max and y max values.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a polygon centroid information file.
get.cntdata(datadir, coverage, filename="cnt.adf")
get.cntdata(datadir, coverage, filename="cnt.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with. |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data (usually called 'cnt.adf'). |
This functions returns a list with two elements. The first one is a data frame with the next fields (columns):
PolygonID |
The polygon itself. |
CoordX |
An array with the X coordinates of the centroid. |
CoordY |
An array with the Y coordinates of the centroid. |
NLabels |
The number of labels this polygon has. |
The second element in the list is an array with the label identifiers related to this polygon.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a polygon labels definition file.
get.labdata(datadir, coverage, filename="lab.adf")
get.labdata(datadir, coverage, filename="lab.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which iall the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data. By default, called 'lab.adf'. |
This function returns a data frame with the next fields (by columns):
LabelUserID |
The label of the polygon. |
PolygonID |
The polygon related to the label. |
Coord1X |
The X component of the first coordinate. |
Coord2X |
The X component of the second coordinate. |
Coord3X |
The X component of the third coordinate. |
Coord1Y |
The Y component of the first coordinate. |
Coord2Y |
The Y component of the second coordinate. |
Coord3Y |
The Y component of the third coordinate. |
This function returns the name of all the coverages under the given directory.
directory |
A character string with the name of the directory which contains the coverages. |
A list of character strings with the names of the files and directories under the given one.
This function allows the user to calculate, for every given polygon (in the array 'index'), the list of its neighbouring polygons.
get.nb(arc,pal, index=NULL)
get.nb(arc,pal, index=NULL)
arc |
The list of arc definitions, as returned by 'get.arcdata'. |
pal |
The list of polygon definitions, as returned by 'get.paldata'. |
index |
An array with the polygons we want to use to calculate their neighbours. It must be an array. If 'index' is not set, then all the polygons are used. |
A list in which the first element is a vector of the neighbouring polygons of the fist element in 'index', and so on.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a polygon definitions file.
get.paldata(datadir, coverage, filename="pal.adf")
get.paldata(datadir, coverage, filename="pal.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data. By default, it is called 'pal.adf' |
This function returns a list with two elements. The first one is a data frame with the next fields (columns):
PolygonID |
A number that identifies this polygon. |
MinX |
Minimum value for all the X component of the coordinates. |
MinY |
Minimum value for all the Y component of the coordinates. |
MaxX |
Maximum value for all the X component of the coordinates. |
MaxY |
Maximum value for all the Y component of the coordinates. |
NArcs |
? |
The second element in the list is also a list in which each element is composed by three arrays with information about the polygons that are in the polygon boundary: 'Arc ID', 'From Node' and 'Adjacent Polygon'.
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a table file.
get.tabledata(infodir, tablename)
get.tabledata(infodir, tablename)
infodir |
Info directory where there is a file called arc.dat |
tablename |
The name of the table from which we want to import the data |
This function returns a data frame in which each column stores the data of a field from the table. The columns are not assigned the names of the fields, but this can be got with the get.tablefields function.
This function returns the names of the fields (and its type) in the table whose names are provided by the user.
infodir |
Info directory where there is a file called arc.dat |
tablename |
The name of the table from which we want to get the fields |
This function returns a data frame with the next fields (columns):
FieldName |
The name of the field. |
FieldType |
This is an integer from 1 to 6 that explain the kind of data:
This function reads the arc.dat file in the info directory and it returns a list with some data about the tables. Each element of this list is another list with data from a single table.
infodir |
info dir where there is a file called arc.dat |
A list with some information about the tables stored in all the coverages:
Table Name
Info File
Number of fields
Record Size
Number of records
Internal/External Table (FALSE/TRUE)
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a tolerance definition file.
get.toldata(datadir, coverage, filename="tol.adf")
get.toldata(datadir, coverage, filename="tol.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data. By default it is called 'tol.adf'. In some cases, when the values are stored in double precission, the tolerances are in a file whose name is 'par.adf'. |
This function returns a data frame with the next fields (columns):
Type |
A number from 1 to 10 showing the tolerance type. |
Status |
This field indicates whether the tolerance is active or not. |
Value |
Tolerance value. |
This function reads and imports into R the contents of a file of annotations (TXT).
get.txtdata(datadir, coverage, filename="txt.adf")
get.txtdata(datadir, coverage, filename="txt.adf")
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with. |
filename |
The name of the file in the coverage directory that stores the data. By default, it is called 'txt.dat'. |
This function returns a list with two elements. The first one is a dataframe with the next columns:
TxtID |
This field identifies the anotation. |
UserID |
Identifier defined by the user. |
Level |
I don't know what this exactly means. Please, help me to fix this. |
NVerticesLine |
Number of vertices pairs that are valid. |
NVerticesArrow |
I don't know what this exactly means. Please, help me to fix this. |
Text |
Some text related to the annotation. |
The second element in the list is another list containing the vertices related the annotation. For each annotation there are two vectors, for the X and Y coordinates.
Taking as argument the list returned by the get.arcdata function, this function plots all the arcs. With the argument new the user can decide whether to plot on a new window/device or on the last window/device.
If the user provides the arguments 'xlim' and 'ylim' they will be used when calling the 'plot' function. Other way, the real boundary of the plotted arcs will be used.
plotarc(arc, new=TRUE, index=NULL, xlim, ylim, ...)
plotarc(arc, new=TRUE, index=NULL, xlim, ylim, ...)
arc |
The data returned by a call to get.arcdata |
new |
Do you want to plot on the last window/device or on a new one? |
index |
A vector containing the indexes of the arcs to be plotted. If it nos supplied all the arcs will be plotted. |
xlim |
x limits |
ylim |
y limits |
... |
Options to be passed to a call to the function plot when creating the display (i. e., window or file). |
This function returns nothing, but plots a nice map :-D.
This function works like plotarc, but we can also decide what polygons to plot. The arc definitions are stored in the arc variable, and the polygon definitions are in the pal variable.
plotpal(arc, pal, new=TRUE, index, ...)
plotpal(arc, pal, new=TRUE, index, ...)
arc |
The data returned by a call to get.arcdata |
pal |
The data returned by a call to get.paldata |
new |
Do you want to plot on the last window/device or on a new one? |
index |
The indices of the polygons to be plotted. |
... |
Options to be passed to a call to the function plot when creating the display (i. e., window or file). |
This function returns nothing, but plots a nice map :-D.
This function is capable of plotting polygons, referenced by its id number. These can be filled with colors acording to a given variate.
plotpoly(arc,bnd,pal,index=NULL,col, border=NULL,xratio=1, yratio=1,...)
plotpoly(arc,bnd,pal,index=NULL,col, border=NULL,xratio=1, yratio=1,...)
arc |
The data returned by a call to get.arcdata |
bnd |
The data returned by a call to get.bnddata |
pal |
The data returned by a call to get.paldata |
index |
IDs of the polygon to be plotted. If it is 'NULL' then all the polygons are plotted. |
col |
Colors to be used when filling the polygons |
border |
Colors used for the lines of the polygons. If it's not set, it is set to the value of 'col'. |
xratio |
Controls x-axis ratio. It can take any value from 0 to 1. |
yratio |
Controls x-axis ratio. It can take any value from 0 to 1. |
... |
Options to be passed to a call to the function plot when creating the display (i. e., window or file). |
Thins function returns nothing, but plots a nice map. :-D
#This example is the same as the one provided under the test directory #1.- Create temporary directory (if needed) #1.- Extract the E00 file form a ZIP file #2.- Create an Arc/Info binary coverage #3.- Create the map #get current working directory cwd<-getwd() #Create tmp directory. tmpdir<-tempdir() datadir<-system.file("exampleData",package="RArcInfo") setwd(datadir) file.copy(c("valencia.zip", "data_valencia.csv"), tmpdir, overwrite = TRUE) setwd(tmpdir) #Convert E00 file to a binary covertage to be imported into R #Comment this line if the file valencia.e00 already exists unzip(zipfile="valencia.zip", file="valencia.e00") #Comments this lines if the binary coverage already exists library(RArcInfo) e00toavc("valencia.e00", "valencia") #Read map data arcsmuni<-get.arcdata(".", "valencia") palmuni<-get.paldata(".", "valencia") bnd.muni<-get.bnddata("info/", "VALENCIA.BND") patmuni<-get.tabledata("./info", "VALENCIA.PAT") #Number of polygons nmuni<-length(palmuni[[1]][[1]]) municipios<-data.frame(1:nmuni, patmuni$"VALENCIA-ID") names(municipios)<-c("INDEX", "CODMUNICI") #Datafiles to be used unemp<-read.table(file="data_valencia.csv", sep=";", dec = ",",skip=1) unemp<-unemp[,c(1,3)] names(unemp)<-c("CODMUNICI", "UNEMP") breaks<-quantile(unemp[,2], c(0, .025,.2, .8, .975, 1)) unemp<-cbind(unemp, CAT=as.ordered(cut(unemp[,2], breaks, include.lowest = TRUE) )) library(RColorBrewer) #Colors to be used in maps #colors<-brewer.pal(5, "Oranges") colors<-brewer.pal(5, "Greens") ldata<-merge(unemp, municipios, by.x="CODMUNICI", by.y="CODMUNICI") #Valencia idx<-(ldata$"CODMUNICI">=46000) bnd.muni<-c(626679.9, 4250000, 760000, 4460000) p<-par() pin<-1.5*p$pin main<-"Rate of unemployment" plotpoly(arc=arcsmuni, pal=palmuni, bnd=bnd.muni, index=ldata$INDEX[idx], col=colors[ldata$CAT][idx], xlab="", ylab="", main=main, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n") #Set legend l<-levels(unemp$CAT) l[1]<-"[0.00,1.26]" legend(700000, 4460000, fill=colors, legend=l, bty="n", cex=1) setwd(cwd)
#This example is the same as the one provided under the test directory #1.- Create temporary directory (if needed) #1.- Extract the E00 file form a ZIP file #2.- Create an Arc/Info binary coverage #3.- Create the map #get current working directory cwd<-getwd() #Create tmp directory. tmpdir<-tempdir() datadir<-system.file("exampleData",package="RArcInfo") setwd(datadir) file.copy(c("valencia.zip", "data_valencia.csv"), tmpdir, overwrite = TRUE) setwd(tmpdir) #Convert E00 file to a binary covertage to be imported into R #Comment this line if the file valencia.e00 already exists unzip(zipfile="valencia.zip", file="valencia.e00") #Comments this lines if the binary coverage already exists library(RArcInfo) e00toavc("valencia.e00", "valencia") #Read map data arcsmuni<-get.arcdata(".", "valencia") palmuni<-get.paldata(".", "valencia") bnd.muni<-get.bnddata("info/", "VALENCIA.BND") patmuni<-get.tabledata("./info", "VALENCIA.PAT") #Number of polygons nmuni<-length(palmuni[[1]][[1]]) municipios<-data.frame(1:nmuni, patmuni$"VALENCIA-ID") names(municipios)<-c("INDEX", "CODMUNICI") #Datafiles to be used unemp<-read.table(file="data_valencia.csv", sep=";", dec = ",",skip=1) unemp<-unemp[,c(1,3)] names(unemp)<-c("CODMUNICI", "UNEMP") breaks<-quantile(unemp[,2], c(0, .025,.2, .8, .975, 1)) unemp<-cbind(unemp, CAT=as.ordered(cut(unemp[,2], breaks, include.lowest = TRUE) )) library(RColorBrewer) #Colors to be used in maps #colors<-brewer.pal(5, "Oranges") colors<-brewer.pal(5, "Greens") ldata<-merge(unemp, municipios, by.x="CODMUNICI", by.y="CODMUNICI") #Valencia idx<-(ldata$"CODMUNICI">=46000) bnd.muni<-c(626679.9, 4250000, 760000, 4460000) p<-par() pin<-1.5*p$pin main<-"Rate of unemployment" plotpoly(arc=arcsmuni, pal=palmuni, bnd=bnd.muni, index=ldata$INDEX[idx], col=colors[ldata$CAT][idx], xlab="", ylab="", main=main, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n") #Set legend l<-levels(unemp$CAT) l[1]<-"[0.00,1.26]" legend(700000, 4460000, fill=colors, legend=l, bty="n", cex=1) setwd(cwd)
This package allows the user to import into R binary coverages in format Arc/Info V 7.x. These coverages represent geographical data in several forms: points, lines, polygons, point labels, etc.
RArcInfo uses the library AVCE00, written by Daniel Morissette, to whom I would thank fo his marvelous work. But RArcInfo is much more than a wrapper of this library, because it provides functions to plot the data and draw maps.
Since the geographical data are separated into several files, RArcInfo provides a different function to read each file. These functions are called get.XXXdata, where XXX is the file name to open (usually the extension is 'adf'):
ARC files contain arcs definition and their vertices.
BND files contain coordinates for the boundary of the data.
CNT files contain polygon centroid information.
LAB files contain label point records.
PAL files contain the polygon definitions.
TOL files contain the tolerance values that were used when processing the polygon coverage.
TXT files contain annotations (or labels) about the data.
Besides these files, binary coverage store several tables containing additional information (like name of the city, population, etc.). To get this data, RArcInfo provides the next functions:
Gets all the table names and the coverage each table belongs to.
Gets the names of the fields for a given table.
Gets the data stored in the table.
In order to plot the data, RArcInfo has several functions:
Plots all the arcs.
Plots all the polygons.
Like plotpal, but it allows to select the polygons we want to plot, colour and other stuff. This is useful to plot maps according the value of some covariate.
To get all the names of the coverages, the user can call 'get.namesofcoverages'. Other two interesting functions are:
Useful to reduce the number of points in an arc according to a given tolerance.
Calculates the neighbouring polygons of a given set of polygons.
V. Gómez-Rubio and A. López-Quílez (2005). RArcInfo: Using GIS data with R. Computers & Geosciences 3(8), 1000-1006.
More information about this kind of data can be found at http://avce00.maptools.org/docs/v7_bin_cover.html.
get.arcdata, get.bnddata, get.cntdata, get.labdata, get.paldata, get.toldata, get.txtdata, get.tablenames, get.tablefields, get.tabledata, get.namesofcoverages, read.coverage, thinlines, get.nb
#See example(plotpoly) for another example library(RArcInfo) datadir<-system.file("exampleData",package="RArcInfo") infodir<-system.file("exampleData","info",package="RArcInfo") coveragedir<-system.file("exampleData","wetlands",package="RArcInfo") #get.bnddata needs the last slash... infodir<-paste(c(infodir,"/"), collapse="") #List all the tables covnames<-get.namesofcoverages(datadir) tablenames<-get.tablenames(infodir) #Display the name of the table and its fields for(i in 1:length(tablenames[[1]])) { print(c("Table: ",tablenames$TableName[i])) fields<-get.tablefields(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) print("Fields") for(j in 1:length(fields)) print(fields[[j]][1]) #Get the data if(i==1) tabledata<-get.tabledata(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) else tabledata<-c(tabledata, get.tabledata(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) ) } #Import data from some tables arc<-get.arcdata(datadir,"wetlands") pal<-get.paldata(datadir,"wetlands") lab<-get.labdata(datadir,"wetlands") cnt<-get.cntdata(datadir,"wetlands") bnd<-get.bnddata(infodir,"WETLANDS.BND") print("Plotting all the arcs") plotarc(arc) print("Plotting the first ten polygons (in red) on the previous plot") par(col="red") plotpal(arc,pal,new=FALSE, index=1:10)
#See example(plotpoly) for another example library(RArcInfo) datadir<-system.file("exampleData",package="RArcInfo") infodir<-system.file("exampleData","info",package="RArcInfo") coveragedir<-system.file("exampleData","wetlands",package="RArcInfo") #get.bnddata needs the last slash... infodir<-paste(c(infodir,"/"), collapse="") #List all the tables covnames<-get.namesofcoverages(datadir) tablenames<-get.tablenames(infodir) #Display the name of the table and its fields for(i in 1:length(tablenames[[1]])) { print(c("Table: ",tablenames$TableName[i])) fields<-get.tablefields(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) print("Fields") for(j in 1:length(fields)) print(fields[[j]][1]) #Get the data if(i==1) tabledata<-get.tabledata(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) else tabledata<-c(tabledata, get.tabledata(infodir,tablenames$TableName[i]) ) } #Import data from some tables arc<-get.arcdata(datadir,"wetlands") pal<-get.paldata(datadir,"wetlands") lab<-get.labdata(datadir,"wetlands") cnt<-get.cntdata(datadir,"wetlands") bnd<-get.bnddata(infodir,"WETLANDS.BND") print("Plotting all the arcs") plotarc(arc) print("Plotting the first ten polygons (in red) on the previous plot") par(col="red") plotpal(arc,pal,new=FALSE, index=1:10)
This function allows the user to retrieve the main data stored in the chosen coverage. This doesn't mean that all the data are retrieved, but only the most important.
Tables are not imported, but a dataframe containig the information provided by a call to get.tablenames of all the tables related to the coverage.
For a single coverage there can be more than one pal file, so just their names are imported (into 'palfiles'). Then, the user can choose which one to import by calling get.paldata. But, if there is just one pal file, it is imported into 'pal'.
The names of the different files are supposed to be the default names when calling the proper get.XXXdata. If some of these names change then the function will not import that feature properly. But this fact should never happen.
read.coverage(datadir, coverage)
read.coverage(datadir, coverage)
datadir |
Directory under which all the coverages and a directory called 'info' are. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage we want to work with |
This function returns a list of all the data directory, coverage name and all the data imported: i
datadir |
The directory where all the coverages are stored, the one used when this function was called. |
coverage |
The name of the coverage used when calling this function. |
arc |
The arc definitions, as returned by get.arcdata. |
bnd |
The bounday definition, as returned by get.bnddata. |
cnt |
The polygon centroids, as returned by get.cntdata. |
lab |
The label point records of the coverage. |
pal |
If there is just one file for the polygon definitions inside the coverage, it is imported here using get.paldata. Otherwise, it is filled with a 'NULL'. |
palfiles |
The names of all the polygon definitions files. |
tblnames |
The description of all the tables related to the coverage, as returned by get.tablenames. |
tol |
The tolerance values. |
More information about this kind of data can be found at http://pages.infinit.net/danmo/e00/docs/v7_bin_cover.html.
Usually the plotting device resolution allows us to plot only a few points per arc with no difference.
thinlines(arc, tol)
thinlines(arc, tol)
arc |
The original arc definition object, as retuend by get.arcdata. |
tol |
The theshold we used to define which polygons are 'too close'. |
A new arc definition object, usually with less points per arc than the original. Notice that no modification is made to the topology but the number of vertices is updated in the table related to the arc definition.